The importance of knowing how to distinguish the different degrees of protection in order to choose the right mask.
Filter masks are Personal Protective Equipment or PPE, capable of reducing the wearer’s exposure to potentially dangerous substances such as fine dust, viruses and bacteria.
Given the historical moment we are experiencing, masks play a very important role no longer only in the health sector but in all our daily activities and it is therefore necessary to learn to know them to understand which model, among the different ones on the market, is right for us. .

Surgical Facemasks
They are generally made up of 3 layers of non-woven fabric of different densities heat-sealed together. The “altruistic” mask is commonly defined as its purpose is to capture the famous droplet thus preventing the spread of the virus.
However, if worn correctly by everyone, it drastically reduces the risk of contagion in the workplace.

High protection facemasks (FFP)
These masks are defined as high protection because they can protect not only the wearer but also others.
They are divided into 3 categories:
- FFP1
Filtering capacity of at least >80% of particles of 0.6 μm in size. - FFP2
Filtering capacity of at least >95% of particles of 0.6 μm in size. - FFP3
Filtering capacity of at least >98% of particles of 0.6 μm in size.
There are also masks with valves, which do not in any way improve the filtering capacity of the device, but allow the free exit of the breath, therefore not being able to protect others.

Non-sanitary masks
These masks are not certified for sanitary use, but can be easily packaged with any type of fabric. They are not considered PPE, but are produced under the responsibility of the company which guarantees their effectiveness.
So which mask to choose?
As we have seen, it is advisable to always opt for a surgical mask or better still one with high protection at least of the FFP2 category.
It is important to remember that it is always necessary to wear it and respect the now famous WHO guidelines: social distancing, avoid contact, often sanitize hands and hands and surfaces or objects, especially in the workplace.